The receiver is on the main board located in the turret of the tank.
The receiver is not very good. Bandwidth is very wide. It looks like just a front end single transistor amplifier that feeds through a tunable coil to a IC receiver that I cannot find any information on.
Image to the right: red wire is the antenna, 8-pin black chip is part of the receiver.
There is no crystal or external clock. The IC may be quite smart, but I doubt it. Smart would include a internal oscillator-PLL and be programed at the factory to receive a specific frequency.
The simple-basic option is that the IC contains just a untuned amplifier and detector or limiter (a super-regenerative receiver). This uses the input circuit and the tunable coil to set the centre frequency +/- quite a lot. Not very selective, and not allowing adjacent channel rejection. This option means little or no setup in production and lower cost.